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Our Story
In 2007 our family began using holistic methods on our family farm with the goals of improving the land we live on, the well being of our animals, and reducing fire risk. We started raising lamb, goat, poultry, pork, and beef allowing them to graze year round on natural and healthy feed sources. From this we noticed a few things that came about...
1) The pasture looked well kept, with less weeds and overgrowth.
2) The animals were happier, healthier and self sustaining.
3) Being grass fed made the meat way more flavorful and tasty!
Napa Pasture Protein was started with the idea to share our new found practices, love of farming, offer healthy and humane protein choices to our community, and offer solutions for fire prevention.
In 2017 and 2020 Napa Valley faced some of the most destructive fires in history, wiping out and destroying thousands of homes. We are so thankful that our home and surrounding land stood unharmed due to our fire prevention practices, proper land management, and community efforts.
We hope to continue and share the benefits of these holistic approaches for our family and yours.
Our Family
Rooted on land that goes back 7 generations, we are farmers at heart. Our daughters are a big part of the daily operations and the reason we choose sustainable farming.

Casey went to Chico State and fell in love with stock dogs and ranching. A Napa native, he found his farm girl after returning home and the rest is history! He is the chief "fixer" of broken things, manufacturer of needed stuff, and head stock-dog guy.
The founder of Napa Pasture Protein, and day-to-day operator. She brings her ability to wrangle a whole lot of activities together with her life-long farming knowledge. A graduate of Cal Poly, SLO; she fell in love with holistic management during her undergrad. Today she works to pull those concepts into all she does.

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